50 Worst WCW Moments Ever

40. “That’s The Wall, Brother!”

WCW Worst Moments nWo

Speaking of unintentionally hilarious.

WCW's product was off the scale strange by the time the 27 March 2000 Nitro rolled around, so this didn't actually stand out at the time. It's become a meme in the years since though, and with good reason. It turns out Hulk Hogan has superhuman-like eyesight. Or had superhuman-like eyesight.

He could spot The Wall atop a building miles away, but nobody else could. So, WCW's cameras showed the heel making a chokeslam gesture, then zoomed out to reveal that Hogan certainly didn't require a trip to Specsavers. Fans at Nitro were baffled as Hogan yelled: "That's The Wall! That's The Wall up there, brother!".


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.