50 Worst WCW Moments Ever

48. Buzzkill Begins The Millennium

WCW Worst Moments nWo

In typical 'let's try and score an own goal as quickly as possible' fashion, WCW kicked off the new millennium's first Nitro episode with a WWF knock-off. Brad Armstrong strolled out on the 3 January 2000 edition as Buzzkill. His half-baked gimmick was poking fun at his brother’s wildly successful Road Dogg character over on the other channel.

Yes, this was one of the most WCW decisions ever.

The Armstrong boys probably got a laugh out of this, but it wasn't very entertaining or constructive from management. You'll hear this a few times over the coming entries: What were they thinking?!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.