50 Worst WCW Moments Ever

7. We Have A New Creative Team, Guys!

WCW Worst Moments nWo

Bobby Heenan's face there says it all.

He and co-host Tony Schiavone were tasked with getting all excited live on air because WCW had a new backstage writing staff. No, that is not a wind up. The 18 October 1999 Nitro included a cut away to the announce desk so 'Brain' and Tony could froth about Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara joining from the WWF.

This wouldn't happen nowadays. It couldn't. It's like an acceptance of defeat; WCW were effectively saying, 'WE KNOW OUR PRODUCT SUCKS COMPARED TO THE WWF, BUT NOW THE GUYS WHO WROTE THAT BETTER SHOW HAVE COME TO SAVE THE DAY!'. Whomever slotted that into format sheets should've been slapped and told to go home.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.