6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 31)

1. A 'Fiendish' Attack

Bray Wyatt Alexa Bliss

Nikki's departure left the door open for..."Him".

A vulnerable and emotional Alexa Bliss, who'd just been left at the alter by her best friend, looked like she might lose control of her bladder when Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' showed up. Honestly, the contrast between that grinning mask and Alexa's horrified facials were a breath of fresh air.

The 'Fiend' hasn't felt scary since he first showed up, so it was nice that WWE put some real horror back into Bray's gimmicked nightmare. Bliss sold his presence like Freddy Krueger had just appeared behind her, and she took Wyatt's Mandible Claw like a champ as the show ended.

There's nothing bad to say about this. It furthered the ongoing Bray vs. Braun Strowman rivalry, and it was smart to get someone innocent that Braun has history with involved. The Universal Title feud has a new moving part heading into SummerSlam.

What did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more content, check out 10 Wrestlers Wasted In Their Current Promotions and 10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WCW Nitro!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.