6 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 19)
3. Logical Doubt
There's some unwritten law that says pro wrestling babyfaces need to see the best in others constantly. They're also not allowed to remember anything that happened in the past when it doesn't fit the immediate narrative. That, dear readers, is absolutely f*cking stupid, and it makes said faces look like complete tools.
Praise be to Daniel Bryan and Cesaro then.
They managed to convincingly cast doubt over Kevin Owens' suitability as a trustworthy tag-team partner before the six-man tag main event. Bryan even chucked in an AEW reference by kinda' mentioning Chris Jericho's old "You just made the list" gimmick. That raised a smile and a giggle from KO, and rightly so.
WWE need to script more of this. Babyfaces can be forgiving, but they shouldn't be idiots that willingly sacrifice their own sanity because creative are too lazy to explore recent company history. This was a neat example of perception, and they didn't eat up too much TV time to protect the good guys either.