6 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 19)
2. Stopping The Rot
Bryan has lost two different singles matches to Cesaro since January, and his only singles TV win this year was via disqualification over AJ Styles on the 29 January SmackDown. All of his other victories have been in tag bouts. That includes this bumper six-man headliner from Friday night.
Is it a sure sign that Daniel is next in line to challenge for the Universal Title after WrestleMania? Hardly, though it does somewhat stop the rot, and he did look hellish powerful by tearing through Sami Zayn and forcing the tap out.
The six-man defo didn't need the finisher train at the end though.
Side note: 'King' Corbin also noticeably went to attack Bryan from behind after the bell, but got stopped by the ref so WWE could show some replays from the end of the match. Then, once those were done, Corbin finally had his moment. That looked weird, and almost like Corbin was annoyed by the layout.