7 Better Ways WWE Could've Returned CM Punk

5. Authority Figure


Imagine King Corbin right now cutting a dog pun filled promo. Poop bags are flying everywhere. Dog bones are being chewed on. He's wearing a dog collar imitating a chihuahua, about to squat down right in the center of the ring.

Then "Cult of Personality" saves us all from the literal crap the writers are giving us on a weekly basis.

Giving CM Punk an authority figure role would be amazing fan service, and could play out similarly to Daniel Bryan and, further back, Mick Foley. Just imagine how beautiful a pipebomb wave from Punk would look after doing the cheap Commissioner pop Mick used to do in each city. The stuff writes itself here.

This would have given so much more value and driving force to the WWE draft as well. Allowing Punk to have been the face of SmackDown drafting before the full launch on Fox? Those ratings would have looked a whole lot nicer.

Oh, and as an added bonus trickle down effect, WWE Backstage gets some viewers. At least over 49k.

This could have been especially interesting to play off given the hiring of Paul Heyman to Raw and their long, storied history together. There is so much story to tell with Punk being a "Paul Heyman guy".

It certainly would have at least been better than Stephanie McMahon on a podium. Not to be confused with "Judy Bagwell on a pole". That was actually entertaining in an awful, "no more Vince Russo, please" sort of way.

Now that man knew how to tick Vince's good sh** box when he was in...


Future 24/7 Champion. Self crowned king of sarcasm. Defeated WWE's plane in Saudi Arabia by TKO. Lister of nonsense achievements. Mostly just an aspiring writer and podcaster looking to mark out over wrestling.