7 Reasons Why WWE Breaking Up The Shield Was Horrible For Business

3. Seth Rollins Is MUCH BETTER As A Babyface

As a heel champion, Seth Rollins is roughly 1000x less entertaining than he was as the high-flying babyface of The Shield, the guy who with a top-rope flying knee could change the pace of a match, or whose dive onto Evolution was one of those moments that makes a babyface a hero in the fans' eyes forever. As a heel, Seth Rollins cuts promos that make wrestling school graduates everywhere sound like they could also be WWE Champion. "I'm a bad guy because I'm bad and do bad things. But actually, I'm not. I'm actually a scared guy who put on my big boy bad guy boots, so boo me? Please?" Having Triple H, aka the best bad guy in wrestling of the 21st century standing next to him and oftentimes being perceived as the worst human to ever be employed in the wrestling business does him no favors, either. Seth Rollins, was, is, and should forever be a better babyface than heel. Admit it to yourselves. Rollins' heel run has been just a nose hair better than abysmal. Once you agree with what you've admitted to yourself, you feel better. Trust me.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.