7 Reasons Why WWE Breaking Up The Shield Was Horrible For Business

1. The Shield Could've Main Evented WrestleMania 32 Against Each Other (In A More Awesome Way)

Know what would've been cool? Imagine if WrestleMania 32 happened, and the following was the case. Dean Ambrose was World Champion Seth Rollins already held the Money In The Bank briefcase Roman Reigns won the 2016 Royal Rumble The end of the 2016 Royal Rumble with Reigns' Shield brethren coming down to celebrate and then putting together that Dean was champ, Rollins could cash in his briefcase and Roman was already in the main event could've created a moment where the roof would blow off a building. Add in the previous notion of Sting potentially being Raw GM, and putting together the WrestleMania main event as a Shield three-way dance could've been fantastic. For purposes of promoting the event, Roman Reigns being able to bounce off of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins while doing TV interviews would've been excellent. Telling the multiple stories of how the trio stayed together for three years and grew to dominate WWE would've been amazing. As well, imagine if having that as the main event could've freed up the possibility of Triple H and Paul Heyman mentoring and being in the corner of Brock Lesnar in a match wherein The Beast would face The Rock as mentored and cornered by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. We'd all want that, right? Keep The Shield together, all of this would've been possible.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.