7 WWE Stars Who Can Never Be Babyface Again

1. Randy Orton

Randy Orton Edge

Edge's trembling, intense performance on the 27 January Raw has single-handedly ensured that Randy Orton can never be a genuine babyface in WWE again.

By attacking such a beloved figure, one who had returned from the sidelines after nine long years, Randy returned to his maliciously cold and calculating 'Legend Killer' days. He put bits of that gimmick into the nearest blender with elements of his angry, intermittently-violent 2009 character and served up the tastiest bits of both.

The whole package was sensational, and has since been heightened by Orton's refusal to explain his actions on the 3 February Raw. Now, he's heading for a massive showdown with Edge at WrestleMania 36, and can't put this particular genie back in the lamp afterwards. Mr. RKO is heel for good, or at least he should be.

Should WWE pen forgiveness post-WrestleMania from Edge, penance and regret from Orton himself or (worse) pretend the biggest angle in years never occurred, it'll be a slap in the face to every fan who sobbed their way through it. Edge's performance, and Randy's evil, was too damn good for that.

Do you agree that these WWE stars should never play babyface again? For more content, check out 10 Potential WWE Super ShowDown 2020 Opponents For Goldberg and 10 Wrestling Matches Neither Wrestler Could Afford To Lose!


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