8 Storylines For NXT Superstars Debuting In WWE

5. Adrian Neville - Bearer Of Bad News

Adrian Neville, despite sitting atop his current roster as NXT Champion, is a difficult case to fit in. He has an utterly amazing moveset and could probably be the best high-flyer in the WWE were he to move up, but he seems to lack charisma and the unique edge possessed by many of his NXT peers. It would perhaps be therefore best to bring Neville in with a manager or tag team partner, somebody who can already talk. A perfect example would be the currently-injured Wade Barrett. Upon his return he could bring Neville along as his protégé, setting him upon the more patriotic members of the roster. It would be very important to really ramp up the anti-American feeling here. The evil foreigner gimmick is one of the oldest clichés in wrestling, but there's a reason it continually resurfaces - it always generates heat. It wouldn't be necessary to keep Neville a heel for long; he could turn on Barrett at a crucial moment and strike out on his own once ready. However, he does seem to be one of those superstars it's best to bring in alongside an established wrestler first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAtFCKX5gmY
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.