8 Things We Learned From WWE’s Sting: The Lost Tape

1. Hearing Randy Savage's Real Voice Is Weird

Sting Randy Savage
WWE Network

If you only need one solid reason to check out Sting's 'Lost Tape', this is it.

Early on, there's a short cameo from Randy Savage. He and Sting joke about the fact that Randy owed his friend some money from a card game, then 'Macho Man' tells the camera he'll never pay him back. They laugh, they joke and they...show the most relaxed Savage anyone has likely ever seen.

His trademark growl was almost totally absent from the conversation. Rather than barking out his familiar 'Ooh Yeah' refrain, Randy sounded a little more normal (for lack of a better word) and like he wasn't in-character. It's incredible to see him tone down the showbiz voice and speak like a regular dude.

Almost everyone who has spoken about Savage since has claimed that he's pretty much the same off camera as he is on. This suggests otherwise. Were all those comments some sly attempt to protect Randy's character? He sounded like a different man on 'Lost Tape', and you need to check it out.

What else did you learn from WWE's Sting: The Lost Tape? For more like this, check out 10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW's Nitro Grill Restaurant and 10 Things We Learned From A Genuine 1998 WCW Nitro Script!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.