8 Ways To Ensure A Successful Women's WrestleMania Main Event

1. Market It As THE Main Event

Probably the greatest pitfall of the Hell in a Cell build was the ambiguity of the match order. Generally, there’s no heads up on the exact order of the card, and as we are all painfully aware, the card is subject to change. But one can't forget how excited the NXT Universe was for the Iron Man Match between Sasha Banks and Bayley at NXT Takeover: Respect in 2015. So just imagine how electric the build would have been for the Women’s Title match at HIAC had we known it would close out the show?

Throughout its long history, the vast majority of WWE pay-per-views and special events have had a clear Main Event. That is, the match that goes on last. Sadly, WWE has a penchant for hedging their bets when they might see a potential headliner as risky.

Fully Loaded 2000 was billed as a “triple main event” when there was little faith in the draw of new WCW escapee Chris Benoit challenging The Rock for the WWF title; both WrestleMania 8 and this year’s SummerSlam saw a mostly meaningless grudge match involving the company’s top draw close the show rather than their World Championship matches, because titles aren’t as important as 24-inch pythons and head trauma, I guess?

And while HIAC’s main event match between Charlotte and Sasha still felt important, imagine the extra buzz that could have been generated had the audience been told about the decision ahead of time. Instead of mindless speculation and agony, the WWE Universe could have been spreading the word to friends, loved ones, coworkers, therapists, neighborhood dogs, bag boys, and YouTube commenters about what a special moment they were going to experience on Sunday night.

Tell me, would you rather be told that in two weeks, you’ll get the keys to a new Tesla Model S, or that in two weeks, that key could unlock that Tesla, a Mini Cooper, or a Ford Fusion? The point is, some ambiguity can build intrigue, but too much just builds anxiety.

And I’d rather go into a pay-per-view excited to see something definitely special, than unsure about anything that’s going to happen. Excitement draws. Excitement is why we’re wrestling fans. And what could be more exciting than knowing you’re going to witness history?

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Rory is a musician, writer, and wrestling fan. A native of Nashville, he has a penchant for haiku, unsolicited advice, and using the word "penchant."