All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

15. Bad Blood 2004 (Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels)

Triple H Batista

Like Vengeance 2006, Triple H and Shawn Michaels decided to cap off Bad Blood 2004 with a love letter to themselves, this time with a Hell in a Cell match that clocks in at a galling 47 minutes, making it by far the longest HiAC match in WWE history. In fairness, while the match has no business being that long, Triple H and HBK make good use of their time, putting on a reasonably good hardcore match.

However, the problem is that it’s only just good, whereas with the length and the competitors involved, you know they were aiming for an instant classic, which it most certainly is not. It’s not even the best match on the card, as Chris Benoit and Kane had a very good match for the World Heavyweight Championship. However, they are not Triple H and Shawn Michaels, and thus in WWE land, they are not as important.

If you’re a fan of Hunter and HBK’s feud from the 2000s and you haven’t checked this one out, it’s certainly worth your time. But just remember they’ve had much better encounters.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.