All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

14. Payback 2014 (The Shield vs. Evolution)

Triple H Batista

It’s the final hurrah of the Shield: their grand statement of dominance before their split.

More importantly, however, this is the match where Dave Bootista evolved into his final form: Bluetista. After beating Evolution in a six-man tag the previous month at Extreme Rules, WWE decided to give the Shield one more rub as they get a clean sweep over Team Dad in a No Holds Barred Elimination match.

From a booking perspective, it’s brilliant stuff, as each member of the Shield looks like Superman, particularly Reigns, who yes, was very much over as a face in the summer of 2014. From an in-ring standpoint, the match is... fine.

Its problem is that it tries to be both a tag match and a No Holds Barred brawl, so there are weird transitions from crowd brawling to tagging in and out in the ring (and no, I have no idea what the rationale for tagging in and out of a No DQ match is). Still, there are enough spots that generate huge pops to make this a fun main event, and a suitable end for the Shield.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.