All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Money In The Bank 2015 (Seth Rollins Vs. Dean Ambrose)

Triple H Batista

It’s depressing to watch a match like this. Not because it’s bad, it’s quite good indeed. But rather, because watching it makes you think “Oh yeah... Seth used to be both interesting and good.” And then you sigh and shake your head as he prepares for a match with Bray Wyatt at Great Balls of Fire.

Anyway, Ambrose and Rollins have a really good ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The story of the match is Rollins trying to prove that he can retain his championship without any Authority interference. Thus, in a refreshing change of pace for what was otherwise an incredibly overbooked year, it’s just Seth and Dean one-on-one, and they deliver the goods. Getting an impressive amount of time (35 minutes, in fact), the two make the most of it and deliver a fun, and at times, very intense fight. Additional points as well for the creative finish, in which Ambrose and Rollins both fall to the floor holding the title belt, but Ambrose is the one to let go first upon collision, meaning Rollins retains. It’s a smart way to keep Ambrose strong in defeat, and shows how you can have heels win title matches without resorting to the same tired interference (take note, WWE in general).

While not the best of Rollins from 2015, this is a solid main event worth your time.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.