All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

2. King Of The Ring 1993 (Bret Hart Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow)

Triple H Batista

Bafflingly, this is the only King of the Ring PPV where the final was the main event. Of course, if there was any King of the Ring tournament to have put front and center, this would be the one, as Bret Hart put on one of the greatest show-long performances of his era. Having wrestled a combined 36 minutes prior to the final, Bret was the victim of Bam Bam Bigelow’s onslaught, with Bam Bam only wrestling a short match early in the show and getting a second round bye. It’s a hard-hitting David vs. Goliath match featuring two fantastic workers.

Helped also is the commentary, which is provided by the too short-lived team of Jim Ross, Bobby Heenan, and Randy Savage. All three are fantastic in their roles, and each put over the match and what’s at stake. Commentary like this shows what a crime it was Vince McMahon was chief play-by-play for most of the New Generation Era, rather than JR.

The only iffy part of this match is midway through. Luna Vachon hits a prone Bret with a chair, and Bam Bam capitalizes with a headbutt followed by a pinfall. However, Earl Hebner stops the decision and forces the match to continue. It’s understandable why they would do this, as it keeps Bam Bam strong by giving him a visual pinfall, but the pacing of the match gets iffy as a result. It’s a small nitpick, however, and this match still stands as a gem from 1993.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.