All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

30. No Way Out 2012 (John Cena vs. The Big Show)

Triple H Batista

In 2012, John Cena had the pesky habit of headlining PPVs despite not being the WWE champion for the entirety of the year.

Sure, in many instances, he was challenging for the title, or fighting high-profile stars such as The Rock or Brock Lesnar, but other times, he was doing silly things like wrestling Kane in an Ambulance match, or fighting 50-something retired John Laurinaitis. No Way Out 2012, despite featuring CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane for the WWE Championship, is headlined by John Cena and Big Show in a cage with Cena and Laurinaitis putting their jobs on the line.


Literally the entire match is Big Show beating down on Cena while he plods around waiting for Cena to make his no-sell comeback. It’s like Vince had forgotten an entire 25 years of evolution had occurred in wrestling and thought John Cena was Hulk Hogan. It’s a sad state of affairs when Vince, Johnny Ace, and a bunch of lower midcarders who interfere are the most interesting parts of the match.

Ordinarily, this match would get credit for having a hot crowd, as they get really into it at the end, but frankly, the match itself is too boring to be forgivable in any respect.



A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.