Every WWE PPV Of 2016 Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Royal Rumble

John Cena Rock

The Royal Rumble rarely disappoints, considering the bulk of the show is dominated by one of the most dramatic and entertaining marquee matches in professional wrestling. There's no other feeling in wrestling quite like counting down to a new Rumble entrant, and this feeling pretty much carries what might otherwise be a lacklustre show.

That's not to say Royal Rumble 2016 was lacklustre, though. While everyone predicted that Triple-H would enter last and dethrone Roman Reigns, it still generated a huge crowd reaction, as did the unbelievable sight of AJ Styles in a WWE ring, arguably the best thing to happen to WWE this year.

Royal Rumble also saw Sasha Banks return to a huge pop, declaring her intentions to face Charlotte for the Divas Championship, and a brutal Last Man Standing Intercontinental Title match between Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens, which set both men up for greater success later in the year. The rest of the card was fairly forgettable, but the Royal Rumble match itself didn’t disappoint - it may have lacked the surprise returns of the previous year's match, but it also avoided repeating 2015's downright awkward ending, and did a great job of teasing feuds that would lead up to WrestleMania.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.