Every WWE Smackdown Intro Ranked – From Worst To Best
23. Late 2014
I know I said earlier that SmackDown has produced some
brilliant intros, and I promise we’ll start to see some good ones soon. Just
not quite yet.
The latter part of 2014 saw the show open with the pop-tastic “This Life” by CFO$ and Cody B. Ware (no relation to Koko) complete with a slightly hip-hop beat and a chorus of auto-tuned vocals. I’m not sure about you, but that’s not the quite the combination that’s going to get me hyped for a wrestling show.
The video package could have rescued it, but instead they insisted on integrating flashy graphics that more often than not simply impeded the views of the actual wrestlers. It all just felt a bit too sanitised for my liking.
Come on SmackDown, get it together!