Forget Deadpool & Wolverine: 10 Potential WWE Universe Anchor Beings

9. Randy Orton

Wolverine Deadpool WWE

The ins and outs of an anchor being's responsibilities and attributes are still not fully fleshed out, but it can be assumed two major components are longevity and a perpetual position at or near the top of that universe's storyline importance.

No one on the current active WWE roster fits that bill better than Randy Orton, who beats out everyone on the roster for the earliest debut save for R-Truth. Orton, however, never left WWE for any period of time, starting off strong in 2002 and quickly becoming the youngest-ever world champion in the company's history.

Crowned the future of the business when he was in Evolution, Orton has indeed gone on to do virtually everything possible, including becoming a Triple Crown and Grand Slam Champion, two-time Royal Rumble winner, Mr. Money in the Bank, and most importantly, a 14-time world champion—tied with Triple H and second only to the Ric Flair and John Cena record.

Orton's popularity has never wavered. He has always been a top guy and an archetype of what a pro wrestler should be.

Bonus points are awarded for him being a third-generation star, allowing him to metaphorically tap into previous generations to keep WWE's roots growing.


Founder of pro wrestling site Smark Out Moment ( and geek culture site Fanboys Anonymous (