It's The WWE Olympics!
11. Trampoline: Sin Cara
Isn't it impressive when ol' No Face leaps into the ring during his entrance? So impressive, that'd you'd imagine he was more apt for the high jump event.
Firstly, we've already established that Neville's neck is the only proper home for that medal. Secondly, allow me to let you in on a little secret. When Sin Cara launches himself over that top rope, he isn't using the pure propulsive power of his feet; he's actually bouncing of a recondite trampoline positioned just in front of the ring.
First I debunk the unicorn legend, and now this. Is there no end to my myth-busting?!
I'm afraid it's true, however. But there is a silver lining to this massive act of deception, and it's that I can put Sin Cara forward for another Olympic event. Trampolining is an Olympic event! I know, I thought they were just for fun too. Why isn't there a bouncy castle event? How does it differ?
Not that I'm undermining the prowess of the fine trampolinists at the Olympics in any way. Anyway, Sin Cara bounces off one from time to time, so that means he can win a gold medal in the art (it may be evident I'm not exactly clear on how the sport operates).