Ranking All 2015 WWE PPVs From Worst To Best

3. TLC (December 13th)

Best Match: The New Day vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons Worst Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger Maybe some of my opinion on this show is colored a bit by the recency of it, but Tables, Ladders and Chairs was a d*mn good show full of solid wrestling and memorable spots and moments, and in 2015 WWE that€™s really all we can ask. In much the same way as the other slate of gimmick match-themed PPVs on the wrestling calendar, WWE took an exciting concept and ran it into the ground from overexposure, but that didn€™t stop this card from being a gem. Let€™s talk about that opening match for a moment. We all know what a high bar The Dudley Boyz, Hardys and Edge & Christian set with the original TLC matches and since those bouts many competitors and have tried €“ and most of them have failed €“ to live up to the standards they set. This wasn€™t one of those occasions. The Usos and New Day went out and did exactly what the€™ve been doing for most of their tenure which is bust their tails to have a great match, and the Lucha Dragons responded in kind with what will hopefully be a star-making performance. And Kalisto€™s Salida Del Sol off the ladder and onto another one will be a staple of highlight reels forever. The rest of the matches on the card were all average to very good, but other than the opener the real star of the show was the closing segment. Roman Reigns finally snapping and unleashing a torrent of rage on Sheamus and Triple H was great viewing and hopefully a missing ingredient in getting the fans to accept him. TLC was a satisfying show with some awesome bookends that puts it near the top of this list.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.