Ranking Every TNA Era From Worst To Best
1. The Pop TV Era

This is it. Right now is the best era of TNA so far. In January of 2016, the company moved to their most recent home, and somehow things began working better from a storyline and character standpoint than never before.
It's a bit of weird thing, as almost all of the company’s biggest stars had left. And nearly all of the beloved TNA originals went with them. Impact should be worse off than ever with their depleted roster. But management has been able to fill in the ranks with talented people at a fraction of the cost of the former WWE cast-offs.
A few key names like the Hardy brothers, and Lashley have stuck around, but everyone else was simply let go to find work elsewhere. It was a long overdue move that finally put the spotlight on more deserving talent.
Recent signings in Drew Galloway and Eli Drake have begun living up to their potential. Indy favorites like Mike Bennett, Maria, Allie, Moose and Aron Rex have made the show more interesting. And Matt and Jeff Hardy have created some delightfully insane television, that is unlike anything ever seen in the business.
To be clear, TNA is not the WWF in the Attitude Era, or WCW during Nitro’s peak, but it’s a pretty solid wrestling promotion that is attempting to work off years of terrible television to regain goodwill with fans. It’s incredible that it has taken them this long to get to this point, but hopefully the entertainment from this era can last for years to come.