Ranking Every WCW Champion In History - From Worst To Best

10. Randy Savage

Goldberg WCW Champion

As one of the most popular characters in pro wrestling history, you might think it’s a little harsh that Randy Savage only charts in at number 10 here. Unfortunately though, his WCW career—and in particular his time spent as champion of the company—wasn’t quite as prosperous as his earlier WWE run.

After signing for the company at the end of 1994, Savage won his first of four WCW titles less than a year later in November 1995. That first reign lasted 31 days, which isn’t a particularly long time but ultimately turned out to be his lengthiest of all his championship tenures. His second stint lasted just 20 days, with the third and fourth runs clocking in at a mere one-day apiece.

Obviously I’d love to rank the Macho Man higher, but with a record like his I can’t help but feel that there are others more deserving of the top spots.

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WCW Goldberg
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