WCW's Dungeon Of Doom: Where Are They Now?

2. The Yeti

dungeon of doom

As without a doubt one of the weirdest members of the Dungeon, and one of the most bizarre gimmicks to ever grace a wrestling ring, the Yeti lives on as a legendary curio of WCW. In a debut matched only by the Shockmaster and The Gobbledygooker, in terms of pure insanity, The Yeti was introduced as The Dungeon’s ‘insurance policy’ for The Giant’s title match against Hogan. Thinking that the numbers advantage and a literal giant wouldn’t be enough to best the Hulkster, The Master recruited the services of The Yeti.

Despite the fact that he debuted by emerging from a giant block of ice, The Yeti wasn’t a furry, abominable snowman-esque creature. He was a mummy. A really big mummy. The real life Ron Reis was wrapped in bandages and given enlarged boots, so that he would appear much taller than The Giant. He interfered in a match at Halloween Havoc 1995, wherein he and The Giant gave Hogan one of the most pathetic-looking double bear hugs imaginable.

The character was a complete flop, and Reis was quickly repackaged as the equally dumb and short lived ‘Super Giant Ninja’. Reis was then used as enhancement talent, before finding a place in Raven’s Flock. After brief stints in Japan and on the indy circuit, Reis retired to work at a wine distributors in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.