WCW's Dungeon Of Doom: Where Are They Now?

6. 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan

dungeon of doom

If The Master was at least somewhat imposing underneath all that wackiness, The Taskmaster was just plain wacky. Sporting a red singlet covered in yellow lightning bolts, he didn’t appear nearly ghoulish enough to appear in The Dungeon, but his signature cackling and whooping noises became part and parcel with the faction’s skits and promos. It was after Sullivan lost a Career vs. Career match with Chris Benoit - who had a real life affair with Sullivan's wife Nancy - that the leaderless Dungeon officially disbanded, never really making good on their promise to eradicate Hulkamania.

After a brief stint as WCW’s head booker, Kevin Sullivan was fired following WCW’s sale in 2001, and has made several appearances for independent promotions since then. After retiring from the ring, Sullivan began running his own gym out of the Florida Keys, and also catches lobster in his spare time.

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.