What If WWE WrestleMania Was Always 2 Nights?

27. WrestleMania 9

Daniel Bryan Kofi Kingston

WrestleMania IX presents both an opportunity and a challenge. Knowing how Yokozuna wins the Royal Rumble, beats Bret Hart, and then, immediately loses the title to Hulk Hogan in an impromptu bonus match, would WWE have booked Yokozuna vs. Hart as the main event of the first night, setting up the Hogan match for the second and spoiling that surprise?

As awful as that sounds, remember, this is the card that also features The Undertaker against Giant Gonzalez, a heel Doink the Clown against Crush in his blonde Hawaiian era, Tatanka beating Shawn Michaels for the Intercontinental Championship by count-out, and yet another Hulk Hogan match where he teams with Brutus Beefcake to lose to Money Inc. for the tag team titles.

If Lex Luger vs. Mr. Perfect were for a title, maybe that could have been upgraded to a main event as they were huge names, but even that feels like a stretch.

As the surprise Hogan match was too big to forecast ahead of time, and WrestleMania Sunday couldn't go on without a main event being advertised in advance, perhaps history would have changed and Tatanka would have kept his winning streak going with an actual intercontinental title win as the Saturday main event instead.


Founder of pro wrestling site Smark Out Moment (https://www.smarkoutmoment.com) and geek culture site Fanboys Anonymous (https://www.fanboysanonymous.com).