WWE: 10 Times Triple H Saw Something He Liked And Booked Himself Into It

2. Daniel Bryan

Something happened in 2013 that WWE didn't plan and didn't want, a popular mid-carder gained enough momentum to break into the main event scene without any concrete storyline or push. Daniel Bryan didn't need a helping hand, his excellent wrestling and crowd interaction was all he ever needed to become a star. Spotting the fact that Bryan was undeniably the hottest thing in WWE, Triple H wanted in. The problem was, Bryan's natural progression was toward John Cena and the WWE title. So what Hunter did in his power with creative was to put himself in the SummerSlam 2013 Cena vs Bryan match as the special referee. The Game then stole the limelight right at the end of the show when he hit a pedigree on new Champion Bryan, enabling Randy Orton to run in and cash in money in the bank. This then led to Hunter spending the next eight months as the biggest heel in the company. He didn't compete, but he continually pushed himself as the number 1 heel, playing himself off of Bryan's popularity to make himself the most relevant bad guy. This completely sidelined the actual WWE champion and supposed main heel Randy Orton.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.