WWE: 10 Times Triple H Saw Something He Liked And Booked Himself Into It

7. The WrestleMania 25 Main Event

Despite having dropped his dream plans of a WrestleMania main event with Randy Orton in 2005, Triple H never really let the idea go. He still thought the match was a great idea, he maintained the notion that it would be an all time great WrestleMania main event. As 2009 rolled around, Hunter's place in the creative process was cemented, wife Stephanie guaranteed that. So at WrestleMania 25, Triple H finally got to do the match he had always wanted, he would face Randy Orton with the WWE Title on the line. The problem was, Hunter was one of the few people really excited about it, most other wrestling fans were invested in the Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels match. The real main event was undoubtedly Taker / Michaels, yet Hunter versus Orton still ended up going on last. If this was Hunter's creative sway, it backfired on him. The epic nature of the streak match had took the breath away of those in attendance, the Orton match ended up going on last to mostly silence. It wasn't helped by the fact that the creative dynamics sucked, the build had been brutally personal, but then the match was under the stipulation that if Hunter got a dq he would lose the title. Essentially the hands had been tied from giving the contest any viciousness we had all wanted to see. The fact Hunter, the good guy, was champion also made no sense. He beat Orton in a match to forget.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.