WWE: 12 Unbelievable Moves That Ruin The Magic Of Kayfabe
7. Randy Orton's Hanging DDT
The Move: Whilst his opponent is outside the ring on the apron, Randy pulls them through the middle of the ropes until they are hanging by just their legs. He then proceeds to plant them face first in the ring. How The Opponent Helps: By balancing their legs carefully and helpfully on the rope as Randy pulls them through. Why It's Unbelievable: Because it's just ridiculously easy to get out of: literally, just move your legs - maybe even just struggle a little bit, because you'd just slip off the ropes. Extra ridiculousness for the spot in the video below, as Stephanie fights and struggles like crazy until the point she's on the ropes, where she then remains perfectly still. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swjKE8aZCps&t=2m30s