WWE: 12 Unbelievable Moves That Ruin The Magic Of Kayfabe

6. Eddie Guerrero's Three Amigos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2CCPoRbOwA The Move: Pretty much the same set up as the suplex from before, however, once completed Eddie would keep the hold on, and then spin his legs to help him return to a standing position, before suplexing the opponent two more times. How The Opponent Helps: There are quite a few steps here: first the opponent has to jump up to help the actual suplex, and then he also has to make sure he retains the hold around Eddie and also help him back to his feet. Why It's Unbelievable: It would be nigh on impossible to retain that hold whilst returning to a standing position without aid from the opponent. Even if you could, chances are the guy just isn't going to stand up with you - like attempting to pick up a cat that really doesn't want to move.

Just a guy who enjoys Wrestling, MMA and ASOIAF. Oh, and Jeff Goldblum.