12. Insurrextion
The Good: Not a great deal, as was usually the case with the UK-exclusive PPVs. The best match of the night was, unsurprisingly, the 2/3 falls match between superworkers Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle. The action was a crisp as you'd imagine and the finish surprising: Benoit beat Angle clean in two straight falls. The Steve Austin & Triple H versus Undertaker main event was good but below the standards you would expect from these three. 'Taker didn't have a particularly good 2001. The Bad: The Big Show versus Bradshaw? Eddie Guerrero versus Grandmaster Sexay? Steven Richards being pantsed by a group of divas? Yes, this show truly had it all. The Rest: The post-attitude era rut was starting to set in here. Nothing worth going out of your way to see.
Lewis Howse
Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...
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