WWE: The 5 Men Planned To Be WWE's Biggest Stars After WrestleMania 30 - Report

4. Sheamus

Despite having already been pushed hard as both a heel and face Champion, WWE still see Sheamus as a future project rather than a past effort. This is surprising in some ways, he's a solid hand, but he hardly set the world on fire in his previous big runs. His popularity with management is down to his friendship with Triple H, they hit it off years ago as work out partners, but despite hopes for the Irishman to become the number 2 guy in the company he seems destined to be forever a glorified upper mid carder. Even WWE's hopes of him becoming the number 4 guy this summer seems very optimistic. Still, WWE obviously believe in him for a reason. Expect a major push this Spring and a possible heel turn to help facilitate his relevance. That's the only conceivable way in my opinion that Sheamus really can become the fourth biggest star in the company.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.