WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (June 28)
Anyone but you.
It was a crazy week in wrestling, crazier than usual you could say. In one of the biggest shockers of the year, Jeff Jarrett came back to the company for the sole purpose of being in a match that involves putting a title on a hook. Hernandez made his way back too, leaving the best wrestling show on TV for one marked for cancellation. And Vader also returned to TNA for the first time in over a decade, providing inspiration by proving that 60-year-old men are completely capable of beating up full-time wrestlers 32 years younger than them. Elsewhere, Seth Rollins made nice with The Authority on Raw, which indirectly lead to Jamie Noble breaking three ribs. WWE continued their streak of wasting our time promoting things we dont want to watch. Last week it was Ted 2, this week, it was an exclusive sneak peek at Mr. Robot, which was the exact same commercial that weve seen a dozen times on Raw already the past few weeks. And sadly, we said goodbye to The Nature Boy Buddy Landel, a man who was almost a star, but through some bad luck and personal demons never made it to the top. Thought for the week: When will Seth Rollins learn to deliver a decent Pedigree? But lets not waste anymore time. In honor of Mr. Landel, lets get ready to corkscrew elbow drop our way through WWE and TNAs worst of the week!