WWE Crown Jewel 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

1. Goldberg Compounds Roman’s Woes

Vince McMahon Jinder Mahal WWE King Of The Ring

Heyman can side with Brock even if Roman Reigns holds onto the Universal Title in the end. Then, in the most Vince McMahon twist ever, big Bill Goldberg can roll out fresh from kicking lumps out of Bobby Lashley and...do the same to Reigns.

That sounds very WWE, doesn't it?

It doesn't make much sense in the context of today's narrative, but WWE never got round to that Goldberg vs. Reigns match they had planned for WrestleMania 36. Braun Strowman replaced an out-of-commission Roman there, meaning all those face-to-face skits the pair worked beforehand were wasted.

McMahon could view Crown Jewel as the ideal chance to compound Reigns' misery. He'd have lost Heyman, be facing the knowledge that Lesnar wasn't finished hunting his title, and then deal with Goldberg coming back for the match that never was.

That'd be an acceptable stopgap at some point, but it shouldn't piggyback the Brock stuff.

What other nightmares could come true at Crown Jewel 2021? For more WWE, check out 5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 15) and 10 Exact Moments When Ex-WWE Wrestlers Knew They'd Made The Right Decision!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.