WWE Crown Jewel 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

1. It Takes Place In The PC

WWE Crown Jewel 2022 Logan Paul Roman Reigns

Right, this is obviously unlikely.

Recent reports indicate that WWE believe Crown Jewel will go ahead despite chatter about "imminent" Iranian attacks on Saudi Arabia. Everyone should hope so, because it's obviously better that events go off without a hitch and everybody involved is 100% safe.

What if things worsen and WWE can't take its crew over to Riyadh though? What if...the promotion has to deal with a similar contingency plan to the one put in place when COVID hit back in early-2020, and is forced to move Crown Jewel to the quaint surroundings of the in-house Performance Center?

Anyone suggesting they could just move it to another venue in the US needs a reality check. Most major arenas are booked out well in advance, so WWE couldn't rock up to some random 15,000 seater last minute and say, 'We'll host the show here, thanks!'.

If worst comes to the worst, then the PC might be their only available option, and everyone remembers how unflattering 'Mania 36 looked there.

What other WWE nightmares could come true at Crown Jewel 2022? For more like this, check out WWE Crown Jewel 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen and 10 Times WWE Tried (And Failed) To Be Edgy!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.