WWE Elimination Chamber 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen

1. WWE Announces ’Stone Cold’

Steve Austin WWE Saudi Arabia

Can WWE get away with selling "Saudi 3:16" t-shirts by the truckload if Steve Austin isn't actually there in person? You bet your butt they can. Don't be stunned (ha) if there's an announcement on 'Stone Cold's future at Elimination Chamber, and don't be shocked if shirts are pimped hard within seconds.

Reports are that the E wanted Austin for Royal Rumble. When that didn't happen, attention turned to the final push before WrestleMania. There, the rumours are that Steve will wrestle Kevin Owens if he wants to. Assuming that's the plan, then WWE will absolutely announce Austin for Raw ahead of time.

Last year's Brock and Becky surprises at SummerSlam were exceptions, not the rule. There's just no way Vince McMahon decides to have 'Stone Cold' crash onto Monday night's episode without announcing it ahead of time to try and pop a much-needed number.

Look out for a video package/announcement on Saturday.

What else do you think must happen at WWE Elimination Chamber 2022? For more like this, check out 4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 11) and 10 Dream Steve Austin WWE WrestleMania Matches We'd Rather See!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.