WWE Survivor Series 2015: 10 Awesome Moments

5. Braun Strowman Gets Chokeslammed Through The Announce Table

Thus far on TV, Braun Strowman hasn't really taken a lot of damage. He has met his match when coming up against The Undertaker and Kane before, but things were taken to a whole different level at Survivor Series. It's positive that fans around ringside reacted the way they did to his big bump, because it shows that WWE have done a good job of portraying him as a threat. Alternatively, people could simply have been excited to see a Double-Chokeslam from 'Taker and Kane. Looking to put Strowman out of the picture, The Brothers Of Destruction battered the bearded behemoth with the move, sending him crashing through the Spanish announce desk in the process. Thankfully, the prop gave way underneath Braun, because it always sucks when the desk doesn't break. When it does, the stunt will always be considered an 'awesome' moment on any show. Even after all these years, despite the fact fans have witnessed it literally hundreds of times, there's still something cool about someone being hurled through the table. Strowman sold the bump like a champ, and it was a cool way to take him out of the running for the match ending.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.