WWE Survivor Series 2015: 10 Awesome Moments

4. The Undertaker's Commemorative Entrance

During the introductory paragraphs for this piece, a lot of words were dedicated to the fact that Survivor Series was The Undertaker's night. Celebrating 25 years as a character, Mark Calaway was deservedly given some special treatment as he walked down the aisle. It's normal for 'Taker's entrance to be noteworthy, but this one was something above and beyond the norm. Making things atmospheric right from the off, WWE wheeled out the old Undertaker 'symbol' that was so prevalent during The Ministry Of Darkness days. Set ablaze and burning bright, the signs were joined by old-school purple smoke and lighting. Topping things off, there was a doorway on the screen showing various Undertaker guises from down throughout the years. From the character's early days as an 'undead zombie', to his time as the 'American Bad Ass' biker, fans of every era would have experienced a kick out of it all. The entrance felt classy, befitting someone who is the longest-running character in the promotion's history. This was a straightforward tribute to The Undertaker, one that worked very well.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.