WWE Survivor Series 2017: 8 Results Predictions
1. Wrong Angle Doesn't Stop Triple H Besting Brother-In-Law
Good heavens! This really is the Jackson Pollock approach to booking a PPV main event, with every possible hue of available paint hoyed at the ring canvas in the hope of something wonderful being produced. It's chaotic and completely random - and just a little bit brilliant.
That said, the abstract artist had some sort of prior intent before he flung his brushes at the wall. This is superstar potpourri, scattered at random at the top of card - but it has made it oh so much the sweeter.
With such a lack of clear direction but so much going on, it's difficult to see any clear path to the end here. So let's go ahead and grasp Occam's well-worn razor from the cupboard. The most obvious solution is usually the correct one, and any match featuring Triple H tends to see him gurning triumphantly at the close. That means a big W for Team Raw.
But how do they get there? Everything rosy between Triple H and his wife's ex Angle? Don't bet on it. And what of his stroppy grounded son? There are albatrosses around the Olympian's neck to go with that medal.
As for the blues, Shane McMahon is likely to have them. Putting himself in the team smacks of arrogance - especially when he has two actual wrestlers, already bearing a grudge, who'd have excelled on the team. Kevin Owens had no problems throwing his boss off a cage two months back - and he won't hesitate to interfere here.
Whatever the outcome, it's going to be another wonderful, Attitude-inspired throwback WWE have been serving up as main events lately. And it'll probably be two hours long. Cracking.
Prediction: It's all about 'The Game' - but not without a bit of in-fighting on both sides.