9. Make Orton A Sympathetic Anti-Hero
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szHdbLE6avI Orton could work as a reluctant hero if played correctly. He doesn't have to be cookie-cutter face that they tried to portray Batista as, but he can be a sympathetic character. Orton can succeed as an anti-hero, in the vein of Austin. He played a similar role early in his career when he was a heel, but he was still cheered. He even garnered some cheers when he called Batista out on the fact that no likes him. Since his title win at Summerslam Orton has had a love/hate relationship with the Authority. He was their hand picked champion and he has more or less had the title since the summer. However, there have been bumps along the road. One minute the Authority seems to be firmly in his
corner, the next they're questioning their
decision to anoint him the face of the company. You can even bring Flair into the storyline to tie into their Evolution days. With Flair in his corner this makes Orton seem even more sympathetic as Flair is one of the most beloved wrestlers of all time. Orton has seemingly had a parental relationship with the Authority since they've teamed up. Orton tries to do right by them and seeks their approval and the Authority either congratulates him or chastises him. The Authority are clearly the villains in this scenario. Orton can be portrayed as a guy who was chosen by his bosses and only wants to live up to their expectations. Orton is like Vegeta in this situation to the Authority's Frieza; a decent guy driven to unspeakable acts of violence by his heartless superiors.