WWE WrestleMania 30 Results Predictions

Overall, this event will be all about Daniel Bryan and his ascension to the WWE Championship. In that respect, it's worth buying, you'll finish the show feeling good about the WWE. Between the Cena vs Wyatt, Taker vs Lesnar and two Bryan matches it should end up being remembered as a great show. That doesn't change how dire the undercard is, but with the level of potential in the main events it should remedy the poor factor. Many people are still tipping CM Punk for showing up. It certainly seems unlikely. However, other big names such as Steve Austin are a good shout. They may show up in the awarding of the Andre the Giant trophy or some other angled segment. WWE has reportedly contacted several big names, so expect some surprises. Hulk Hogan will of course be involved throughout in backstage segments as host. He will maybe do a run-in during the Wyatt Cena match. If not that it'll be a more formal appearance in the ring to thank fans for attending, perhaps resulting in him beating off an over-zealous jobber who comes out. In terms of swerves and run ins, WWE probably won't overbook this show. It's the same reason why Wyatt won't beat Cena, it'd be pointless, everything will get lost in the buzz about Bryan's two matches. It's all about Daniel Bryan, nothing will be booked which could detract from that. The concluding prediction is this: WrestleMania 30 will finish up an entertaining and satisfying night.
WWE Writer

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