10 Amazing Hellboy Spin-Offs Mignola Fans Must Read

4. Abe Sapien: Dark And Terrible

Abe Sapien Comic
Dark Horse Comics

Arguably the best known Hellboy character outside the demon himself is his fish-man accomplice Abraham Sapien. Abe was there alongside Hellboy from his very first story and was the first supporting character to get his own solo spin-off title.

The first ten issues of Abe Sapien were published sporadically across a few years while the character's major storylines played out in the main Hellboy and B.P.R.D. titles. It was only once Abe, like Hellboy before him, chose to quit the Bureau and walk his own path that his solo comic really got going with 2013's three issue Dark And Terrible story.

This story began an era in which Abe underwent his own identity crisis prompted by his mutation into a creature more bestial than the fish-man he already was, all while a full-scale apocalypse raged across the planet.

In a series with shades of the classic Incredible Hulk TV show, Abe walks the Earth, wandering from community to community, protecting them from their crises but too uncomfortable in his own monstrosity ever to set down roots anywhere for long.

Dark And Terrible is a good intro to this approach, as Abe flees monsters both beastly and human on his way to a remote town in the middle of nowhere. A town which struggles to decide whether to see him as a saviour or the bringer of doom.

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