10 Most Anticipated #1 Comics In March

8. Wolverine And The X-Men #1 (Marvel)

Wolverine X Men With Jason Aaron's acclaimed run on Wolverine and the X-Men ending this month, the series is getting a new main writer in Jason Latour, the former Winter Soldier writer, and an all-new #1. Joining Latour for the rebooted series is artist Mahmud Asrar for a new summer semester of Wolverine and the X-Men. Latour says the first issue will kick off at the very end of the term with teachers and students alike waiting for the bell to announce the beginning of summer. The series will focus on the students left behind at the school because they've got nowhere to go €“ Logan's legacy. Will they go on to become the greatest X-Men team ever €“ or the greatest villains the X-Men ever face? Join returning favourites Wolverine, Storm, Quentin Quire, idie, Eye Boy and the Bamfs as they defend the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning from a shadowy new group in Wolverine and the X-Men #1!
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