10 Awful Comic Book Characters That Don't Deserve A Movie Adaptation

2. Uncle Sam

This summer, Warner Bros' Superman reboot Man of Steel got the ball rolling on the studio's plans for a Justice League movie. Man of Steel cleaned house in the international market, hauling in $377,000,000 in international grosses €“ more than half of the feature's box office tally. Courting international sales seems to be Warner Bros' surest way to obtain box office comic book supremacy. So, in the interest of its bottom-line, the studio should steer clear of one DC character that could single-handedly put the brakes on DC's runaway freight train of success. The character in question is the ultra-patriotic Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam takes his image from the famous symbol of the USA used in American propaganda. The Founding Fathers themselves created Uncle Sam through an occult ritual and the character draws his super strength from the American ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. American audiences might accept Uncle Sam with open arms but international audiences might balk at the idea of rooting for zombie America to punish evildoers with his super-powered fists. A recent Gallup poll conducted in 65 different countries found that the majority of the world believes America poses the greatest threat to world peace at the moment. If foreign markets get a glimpse of a flesh and blood representation of America dispensing justice through brute force, Warner Bros could alienate its greatest hope for winning the comic book wars.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.