10 Batman Moments That Shocked The World

1. Bane Breaks Batman's Back

Batman Death Of The Family
DC Comics

There couldn't be anything other than this in the number one spot, could there? After all, many had come close to beating Batman over the years but nobody had actually achieved it. That was until Bane arrived on the scene.

In 'Knightfall' Bane sets out to rule Gotham and to do that he needs to get rid of its protector. But just to defeat Batman, just to beat him, isn't enough for Bane. No, he wants to break him completely.

He sets about doing this by running the Dark Knight ragged, unleashing wave upon wave of villains on him and pushing him towards both physical and mental collapse. And then, when the time is just right, he reveals himself as the mastermind behind it all.

A terrific fight follows where an already weakened Caped Crusader is at a massive disadvantage, and it all ends when Bane, who has beaten Bruce Wayne from pillar to post, picks him up and breaks his back over his knee.

Even to this day, it's still a shock to see this happen, even though you know it's coming. That's why it'll forever remain Batman's most shocking moment.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.