10 Batman Questions That Always Confused You

2. For A Man Who Works Alone, Why Does He Have So Many Allies?

Bat Family Detective Comics 1000
DC Comics/Tony Daniel

Batman has always been considered a bit of a loner. Even after boasting one of the most iconic partnerships in all of comics, most tend to see the Dark Knight as Gotham City's lone wolf; he doesn't play well with others, even on the Justice League, and bats away help at the first opportunity. Or so it would seem.

Yes, the World's Greatest Detective may cut an isolated figure on and off the page, but it's sort of an open secret that he enjoys company. His book was the first to coin a family title in DC's books, and in every decade since he first appeared, he's had a Robin, a Butler and a Batgirl by his side.

Would an actual loner keep such company? No, they wouldn't, and that's why the perception of Batman as an angsty loner is more a nonsensical cliche than it is a genuine character trait. Countless stories have seen the character push his allies away, only for the same message to prevail each time - Batman needs a family, more than he perhaps realises.

At the end of the day, the Dark Knight doesn't get along with everyone. But the idea that he's a loner is rubbished as soon as you see just how many allies he has.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.