10 Batman Sidekicks Everyone Forgets

8. The Outsiders

Batman Harper Row Bluebird
DC Comics

In one of his many, many tiffs with the Justice League, Batman would decide to make his own team, and form the Outsiders; a superhero group intended to do the things that the Justice League could not due to it being the political figurehead of the superhero community.

The group would initially be comprised of Black Lightning, Metamorpho, Halo, Geo-Force, Katana and Batman himself, but like many superhero teams, this would constantly change with the addition and subtraction of additional members.

While the Outsiders would often exist without Batman - as he is an unpredictable creature at the best of times - they were established and led by him, and largely follow his command as a leader.

The team is currently made up of Katana, Orphan, The Signal and Black Lightning, being sent on missions that Batman is unable to do for whatever reason.


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