10 Best Comic Book Characters NOT From Marvel Or DC

5. Michelangelo (IDW Comics)

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IDW Comics

There have been as many Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic series as there are days in the month, but for this one, we're focusing on the IDW incarnation. Mostly because this series does the most interesting things with the character. All of the turtles are given significantly more depth in this comic than they have elsewhere, but the normally goofy comic relief Michelangelo is by far the most fleshed out.

A lot of the most important moments we can't talk about for spoiler reasons - we really want you to read this comic - but one of the most interesting changes made to the dynamic of the turtles is how Mikey reacts to how the group treats him. We all know Mikey's role in the team, he's the goof-off, the comic relief, the one everyone else makes fun of.

In this comic, that happens as well, but while Mikey is more than willing to let most of the ribbing roll off his shell since they're family, this comics shows that he's also equally willing to put his foot down. As shown in one instance where, again without spoiling, Mikey becomes so disillusioned with Leonardo's leadership, that after one particularly unpopular decision by the leader, Mikey straight up leaves the team. And he stays gone for a while.

The IDW TMNT comics are great because of how they complicate and evolve the brothers' dynamic. And Michelangelo is the prime example of this.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?